- Gamelans of Geneva
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Gamelans of Geneva
Tarangga KañcanaFrom January 1999, there is a Balinese gamelan in Geneva. Thirty instruments. Take advantage of this exceptional occasion by coming to see, hear, touch the instruments. Come even to try them. Description of the gamelan. |
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Please contact us.
Gamelan Angklung of GenevaThis other Balinese gamelan is owned by Beat Fischer. Seventeen instruments. Our group has begun in around 1980 when we were called Bamboo Band. The gamelan is not active at the moment. Description of the gamelan. |
 Fête de la musique 1998, Geneva |
Kyai GandrungThe gamelan of the Indonesian Mission is a Javanese pèlog gamelan from Yogyakarta. Thirty-eight instruments. The Ethnography Museum of Geneva, bd Carl-Vogt 65, is entrusted with the mission's gamelan. It has been inaugurated on February 4, 2000. Description of the gamelan. |
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Museum's salundingBalinese salunding gamelan of the Ethnography Museum. It is a reproduction of an original sacred ensemble of Tenganan. It was brought to Geneva and given to the museum by Georges Breguet. The gamelan is not active and not displayed. Eight instruments. |
Museum's gendér wayangBalinese gendér wayang gamelan of the Ethnography Museum. It comes from Gianyar. The gamelan is not active and not displayed. Four instruments. |
For rent
Contact us to rent the gamelans for passing-by groups or for exhibitions.
For information, subscriptions, visits and rental, please contact us. Visit also